Tech Lunch 🥪

The popular Tech Lunch is an important event for us. We have held this event practically since the beginning of Zircon. In fact, it is the only space where practically the entire company can share an hour of common interest and learning with other colleagues.

Volunteers are always needed to take the lead in this meeting, so we invite you to raise your hand and expose a topic of interest. It can be practically anything, it is not necessary to be an expert in the particular topic, simply with the willingness to present you will have already built a link towards general knowledge.

Check below some of the most popular Tech Lunch presentations:

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13/01/2023Pablo, FedeMobi
18/11/2022Betza, Nahue, Mateo, Gonza, WillLABitConf
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22/04/2022WillZircon TripPresentation
25/03/2022WillVoting DappRepo
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25/02/2022Martin MTechnologies Growth
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16/10/2021GuzmanChia Coin
2/10/2021SantiSolana Chain
18/9/2021WillBinance Smart Chain
29/8/2021Pedro & WilNextJS / SSRPresentation
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16/7/2021Fede & GastonSvelte Kit
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